Author: Sara

Clinic in NYC offering NeurOptimal Sessions, Home Rentals & Sales

neuroptimal session and home neurofeedback device

Can You Do Neurofeedback at Home?

Learn why some neurofeedback systems are safe for home training, while others are not. What is Neurofeedback? The term “neurofeedback” may sound intimidating, but the reality is that there is a wide variety of neurofeedback devices and systems available to use. Some are manual and require assistance from a trained professional (Protocol Neurofeedback), while others…
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neurofeedback helped with my anxiety

Ellie’s Review on Neurofeedback

After 20 NeurOptimal sessions at Neurofeedback NY I’m feeling much more energized, happier and healthier than I have in years. I would highly recommend neurofeedback to anyone struggling in their lives.

adhd for neurofeedback

Article: Largest neurofeedback study ever funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health for ADHD

Article: Largest neurofeedback study ever funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health for ADHD

A Natural Fix for A.D.H.D. Article on The New York Times

“A Natural Fix for A.D.H.D.” – A Comment on The New York Times Article

Read a commentary on the article about A.D.H.D posted in The New York Times from the founder of Neurofeedback NY and Advanced Neurofeedback Trainer in New York, Natalie Baker.

neurofeedback case study

Neurofeedback Case Study on Anxiety: “Pulling Out Of Ruts”

By Heather Coleman, LCSW & Certified Neurofeedback Trainer: ” When I joined Neurofeedback NY as a trainer and psychotherapist, I was curious to see how doing the neurofeedback on myself would affect me.”

neurofeedback for children

Neurofeedback News: Helping Children

“With each session the goal is to balance the brain activity. As the child relaxes, watching a movie, the neurofeedback system is monitoring her brain waves and gently training her brain to regulate itself to the images and sounds. “What we are doing is allowing her brain to reduce its turbulence on it’s own. We’re not pushing the brain.”

NeurOptimal Neurofeedback by Zengar Logo

New Neurofeedback Study Offers Hope for Chemo Brain Sufferers

Neurofeedback brain training regimen reverses cognitive impairment symptoms in over 90% of chemo brain patients tested, a new study by The Applied Brain Research Foundation of Ohio shows.

brain traininf effects

Article: I think, therefore I heal: the weird science of neurofeedback

It’s been dismissed as bunk science for decades. But does neurofeedback deserve a second look?