NY Neurofeedback Training | NeurOptimal® Sessions

What is Neurofeedback?

The system we use, NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® Brain Training System by Zengar, trains your entire central nervous system to perform optimally. It gives your system feedback about its maladaptive patterns and your brain decides how to use that information to improve its overall functioning. Nothing is added to your brain, therefore, it is very safe.

Why do Brain Training with NeurOptimal®?

Training with the NeurOptimal® system* is a non-invasive, effective and safe process to support your mental wellness and wellbeing.

How many sessions you need varies from person to person but clients may notice the following after a set of session:

  • Feeling calmer
  • More restful sleep (Waking refreshed)
  • Increased mental acuity (may improve concentration, problem-solving, multitasking and easier following instruction)
  • Dropping away of fears
  • Helps manage stress better (More appropriate response to situations)
  • Feeling lighter and greater ease –
  • Increased motivation and ability to accomplish tasks

Schedule a Neurofeedback Session in NYC


Visit our sister website neurofeedbacktraining.com to learn more. By renting a neurofeedback unit for home, you save in overall training cost.


*NeurOptimal® has been determined by the FDA to be a General Wellness Product. It is a training, not a treatment. Consequently, NeurOptimal®does not require diagnosis or treatment planning. You should be under the care of a physician for any medical disorder.

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