How Does Neurofeedback Work?

What does Neurofeedback Therapy Do? And How Does NeurOptimal® Work?

Neurofeedback works by monitoring your brainwaves and alerts your central nervous system when it is not functioning smoothly.

Neurofeedback NY session

When brain activity shows signs of turbulence, the music within the NeurOptimal® neurofeedback software is momentarily interrupted. This subtle cue alerts your brain that it is operating inefficiently.  With repeated training sessions, the brain learns to “reset” itself and function more smoothly.  All of this learning is non-invasive and happens outside your conscious awareness. Over time, NeurOptimal® adjusts itself automatically in response to your brain’s activity, individualizing the training microsecond by microsecond to your own brain’s functioning.

NeurOptimal® trains the brain to use the present moment to decide what to do next, rather than using old, often maladaptive patterns. It does this by triggering what’s called the orienting response, which is the brain’s ability to sense change in the environment and take in new information about what is different.

NeurOptimal® trains your entire central nervous system to perform optimally. It gives your system feedback about its maladaptive patterns and your brain decides how to use that information to improve its overall functioning.  It adds nothing to your brain, therefore, it is very safe.

About our NYC Neurofeedback Clinic

The system we use at our NY Neurofeedback clinic is called NeurOptimal® neurofeedback created by Zengar Insitute.

NY Neurofeedback Clinic is located at Union Square on Manhattan. We provide NeurOptimal sessions as well neurofeedback equipment rentals. The home system provides the same training as in our NYC clinic.

Renting your own home unit is by far the most cost-effective way of training and is also the best way for families and couples who want to train together.

Have questions about Neurofeedback?

Talk to one an experienced neurofeedback trainer! Contact our NY Neurofeedback Trainers Amy or Natalie today to discuss your options!

Thank you for reaching out! To learn more  and watch how a session looks like, see this video.

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