What is Neurofeedback? Learn how NeurOptimal Neurofeedback System works and read a comparison why this training is different to other neurofeedback systems.
Why the NeurOptimal Neurofeedback System?
At Neurofeedback NY we use the NeurOptimal® system from Zengar. All our trainers are certified NeurOptimal neurofeedback trainers.
Natalie Baker, Advanced NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Trainer:
” While there are a number different neurofeedback system devices on the market, after extensive research I decided on Zengar Institute’s NeurOptimal trainer for a number of reasons: The first and most important reason is that it is effective and safe. The training adds nothing to the brain; it simply feeds back information and so minimizes any side-effects. The trainee’s brain automatically decides how to use that information to optimize it’s functioning. In this way it is non-invasive, nor is there an operator external to the system deciding what it needs. With other systems, a “trainer” uses protocols to train the brain. With NeurOptimal there are no protocols; rather the training provides a mirror for the brain to see how inefficient and inappropriate it is, allowing it to adapt naturally. An analogy: your body might be out of alignment, tilting, and you don’t realize it until you see yourself in a mirror, and then you straighten up. A real case in point: I have a client who, as a result of having been severely physically threatened as a child, would respond with rage towards anyone close to her in public spaces (for instance, in a crowded subway). After her seventh neurofeedback session she no longer felt anger in these situations but rather would notice her body shifting to create more space for herself: the brain responding appropriately and efficiently to the present moment. What a relief!
The second reason I selected NeurOptimal was that it is less expensive for consumers than other systems that need an expensive brain map to be generated by a technician before training can be done.
The third reason I selected NeurOptimal is that it does not require me to become an expert in neuroscience. I can do my job: caring for my clients, and it does its job: giving feedback to the brain about its behaviour. The system is fully automated and designed so that successful training is determined by the client’s central nervous system noticing shifts in its thoughts, emotions and behaviour, not by a human “expert” interpreting a graph on a screen.
Contact us here to schedule a session at our Neurofeedback NY Clinic or ask us about renting a Neurofeedback Home System

NeurOptimal® vs. Other Neurofeedback System Devices – A Comparison
Focus is on optimizing brain functioning by improving the central nervous system’s flexibility, resilience and stability. This is not treatment. It’s training your central nervous system to work more efficiently and effectively. Problems and issues then naturally melt away. Other systems: Focus is on treatment.\
Top Differences:
1. No diagnosis is required
All users are trained in the same manner. The objective is to improve the mind and the central nervous system’s flexibility and resilience. This isn’t treatment. It’s training your central nervous system to work more optimally. Other systems: Require practitioner to diagnose a problem so that a treatment plan can be mapped out.?
2. NeurOptimal® automatically adjusts with each person. No monitoring required.
Other systems: The client needs to be monitored closely within and across sessions. Practitioner changes what they do based on unwanted side effects in client.
3. Trains outside the awareness of the conscious mind, which is way too slow for NeurOptimal®.
The client just relaxes. Does not have to “achieve” anything. Other systems: Seeks to train the conscious mind to control brainwave activity. Requires conscious effort from the client to meet externally imposed goals.
4. Simultaneously targets twenty sets of frequencies in the same manner for all users.
Multiple frequencies balance off other multiple frequencies. Cannot overtrain. Everybody gets Peak Performance as well as help with their issues. Other systems: Uses limited frequencies at the discretion of the trainer. Overtraining (and side effects) common. Working on a disorder and achieving Peak Performance are very different goals and tasks.
6. NeurOptimal® provides moment to moment feedback on the brain’s activity.
The brain makes adjustments using real-time feedback across a wide spectrum of frequencies meant to increase overall mental fitness. There is no separate assessment needed. Other systems: Weekly or monthly feedback from the patient is used to evaluate and control the training regimen. This is time-consuming and costly, often doubling session time at no additional benefit.
7. NeurOptimal® does not push the brain- it simply offers information. The brain does the rest, naturally.
Other systems: Pushes the brain to do more or less of something as decided by the practitioner.
Read Also:
- Neurofeedback Training Options and Cost
- What is neurofeedback
- NeurOptimal reviews – What our clients say
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