Author: Natalie

Clinic in NYC offering NeurOptimal Sessions, Home Rentals & Sales

integrative cancer therapies

The Effect of EEG Biofeedback on Reducing Postcancer Cognitive Impairment

Postcancer cognitive impairment (PCCI) is observed in a substantial number of breast cancer survivors, persisting for as long as 20 years in some subgroups. Although compensatory strategies are frequently suggested, no restorative interventions have yet been identified. This study examined the feasibility of EEG biofeedback (“neurofeedback”) and its potential effectiveness in reducing PCCI as well as the fatigue, sleep disturbance, and psychological symptoms that frequently accompany PCCI.

Why I introduced neurofeedback to my psychotherapy practice

While there are a number different neurofeedback devices on the market, after extensive research I decided on Zengar Institute’s NeurOptimal trainer for a number of reasons: The first and most important reason is that it is effective and safe. The training adds nothing to the brain; it simply feeds back information and so minimizes any side-effects.

dont let the rain to get to your head

The Worrier Warrior: Working with Depression through Brain Training

We’ve come a long way in our understanding of the brain and brain functioning in producing the symptoms we call anxiety and depression. In the mental health field we used to think of them as ‘mind’ problems, but now we’ve come to understand that they are also brain problems.

Five Classic Signs of Stress

Stress can sneak up on you slowly, but there are ways to avoid letting it go too far. Check yourself for these five classic signs of stress.

Reduce stress with neurofeedback

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

NeurOptimal© neurofeedback works by training the brain to use the present moment to decide what to do next, rather than old, often maladaptive patterns. It does this by triggering what’s called the orienting response, which is the brain’s ability to sense change in the environment and take in new information about what is different.

reptilian brain

Is Your Reptilian Brain in Charge?

It’s a sad state in our busy lives when we realize that we don’t know the feeling of relaxation. Since starting my neurofeedback practice a year ago, I’ve discovered that many New Yorkers don’t know calmness when it arises in their bodies. Here’s a typical conversation I have with stressed-out, go-getter New Yorkers, around their fourth session of neurofeedback:

What Our Patients Say

Is neurofeedback for me? Read stories from people that have done neurofeedback and how their overall health have improved with only a few sessions. “I have been intrigued by neurofeedback for some time, having read about its success enhancing mental performance. Some pro athletes use the training to improve their performance, and since I work…
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