A response to Christian Jarrett Ph.D Psychology Today Article

Read the article and the comments in the much criticized Psychology Today article by Christian Jarrett Ph.D : “Read this before paying $100s for neurofeedback therapy”
Posted by Natalie Baker, Advanced Neurofeedback Trainer and founder of Neurofeedback NY:
“Thanks for providing the opportunity for this discussion. It’s important to acknowledge that this is a relatively new technology and it takes time to attract the attention of research dollars, then the time to conduct and publish sound research. So there is nothing inherently sketchy about the fact that there isn’t enough research yet. It’s really too soon to expect to see a lot of solid research. Second, it’s important to know that neurofeedback, especially NeurOptimal’s system, is a safe technology and that, in my opinion as a parent, it is a reasonable risk if you can afford the time and money to try it. And can we really say that it’s more ethical to put our children on speed than try brain training? In short, I think there’s a lot of benefit to be gained and most neurofeedback trainers I’ve met are first and foremost motivated to help others. – Natalie Baker, Founder of Neurofeedback NY and Advanced NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback TrainerDo you like Neurofeedback NY? Share your feedback with us.
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