Category: News

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Article: “School-based brain training shown to alleviate ADHD”

With more than one in 10 children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, parents and doctors alike have been eager to find alternatives to prescription stimulant medications like Ritalin or Adderall.

neurofeedback for kids

Kids & Neurofeedback

We are opening our general practice to children of all ages for a variety of symptoms. Kids respond well to neurofeedback and the results often last far beyond the treatment period. Neurofeedback treatment for ADHD is typically between 20-40 sessions.  Once the treatment is complete, the changes stick and kids come back for booster treatments…
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neurofeedback for children

Neurofeedback News: Helping Children

“With each session the goal is to balance the brain activity. As the child relaxes, watching a movie, the neurofeedback system is monitoring her brain waves and gently training her brain to regulate itself to the images and sounds. “What we are doing is allowing her brain to reduce its turbulence on it’s own. We’re not pushing the brain.”